Privacy policy
This Agreement is concluded between the Individual entrepreneur Stroykov Mikhail Mikhailovich (hereinafter-the Owner) and any person who, after accepting the terms of this agreement, becomes a user of the website located on the Internet at the address: (hereinafter – the site), hereinafter referred to as "User", together in the text of the Agreement referred to as "Parties", and separately- "Party". In accordance with article 435 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, this User agreement is recognized as an offer. In accordance with article 438 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this Agreement is the fact of registration on the Site. This Agreement, concluded by acceptance of this offer, does not require bilateral signature and is valid in electronic form. the
1. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement
In the Agreement, unless otherwise expressly provided in the text of the Agreement, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings set forth below:
1.1. Site-a set of software and hardware for computers, providing publication for public viewing of information and data, United by a common purpose, by means of technical means used for communication between computers on the Internet. The site is located on the Internet at:
1.2. Administrator/Owner of the Site – limited liability Company "Galeon trade", located at the address: Moscow, ul. Nametkina, d. 10A, building. 1, room 3.
1.3. All objects placed on the Site, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds and other objects and their collections are recognized as content of the Site. The Site owner is the owner of the exclusive rights to use the Site, including all content of the Site.
1.4. User – the user of the Internet, in particular the Site, having his personal page (profile / account). 1.5. Profile / account (profile) – personal page of the User on the Site, available to all users of the Site. 1.6. Account information – a unique User name (login) and password to enter the Site, specified by the User when registering on the Site. 1.7. Moderation – viewing by the Site Owner of the information placed (or planned for placement-pre-Moderation) on the Site by the User for its compliance with the provisions of this Agreement.
2. Subject of Agreement
2.1. The Site owner provides the User to allow access to the Site's services, a requirement of providing the owner of the Site services in accordance with this Agreement is the adoption, adherence to User and application to relations of the Parties the requirements and provisions specified in this Agreement.
2.2. The Site owner reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement and all its integral parts without the consent of the User with the notification of the latter by posting on the Site a new version of the Agreement or any of its integral parts that have undergone changes. Taking into account that the newsletter may be recognized as spam by the Parties, the User undertakes to get acquainted with the content of the Agreement posted on the Website at least once a month in order to get acquainted with its changes in a timely manner. The new version of the Agreement and / or any of its integral parts shall enter into force from the moment of publication on the Site, unless another period of entry into force of the changes is determined By the owner of the Site when they are published. The current version of the Agreement and all annexes thereto is always available on the Site in public access at the following addresses:;;
3. Rights and obligations of the Site Owner
3.1. The Site owner undertakes to:
3.1.1. Provide the User with the services specified in paragraph 2.1 of this Agreement. Access to the Site is provided by assigning the user Account information within 1 (one) working day from the date of registration of the latter at
3.1.2. Provide the User with the opportunity to publish information about himself.
3.1.3. Do not disclose User Account information to third parties.
3.1.4. Provide round-the-clock availability of the server on which the Site is located, except for the time of preventive maintenance.
3.2. The Site owner has the right to:
3.2.1. If the User violates the terms of the Agreement, send The user a warning containing a list of violations. If the User does not eliminate the violation within one day from the date of notification or repeatedly violates these terms or other conditions, the Site Owner has the right to unilaterally refuse to perform the Agreement, block the access of Users to the User Profile and cancel the User Profile.
3.2.2. To carry out Moderation in cases when the information posted by the User promotes hatred and / or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social grounds; promotes the use of drugs and other means harmful to health; calls for inhuman treatment of animals; violates the rights of national and other minorities; contains calls for violent actions; violates the rights of authors and other owners of intellectual rights.
3.2.3. Dispose of statistical information related to the functioning of the Site, as well as User information to ensure targeted display of advertising information to different audiences of users of the Site.
3.2.4. Send the User information about the development of the Site and its services; send sms messages to inform about activation codes, conduct surveys about the quality of the Site, provide and request other information, as well as advertise their own activities and services.
4. Rights and obligations of the User
4.1. The user undertakes to:
4.1.1. Fully read the terms of this Agreement before registering on the Site.
4.1.2. Comply with all terms of this Agreement.
4.1.3. Do not transfer information about other Users obtained through the Site to third parties.
4.1.4. Do not transfer your Account information to third parties.
4.1.5. Not to post personal information of other persons, and does not use personal data about other Users or Users in any way not in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, illegal or improper purposes in order to benefit and any other purposes that do not meet the purposes of the Website.
4.1.6. Do not post in the Profile information and objects (including links to them) that may violate the rights and interests of others.
4.1.7. Do not upload, store, publish or distribute any information that: - contains threats, discredits, insults, defames the honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties; - violates the rights of minors; - is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors; - contains scenes of violence or inhuman treatment of animals; – contains description of means and methods of suicide, any instigation to suicide; – advocates and/or promotes the incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, or advocates fascism or the ideology of racial supremacy; – contains extremist materials; – advocates criminal activity or contains advices, instructions or guides for criminal activities; contains restricted information including but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about private life of third persons; – contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of using alcohol and/or drugs, including "digital drugs" (audio files affecting the human brain through binaural rhythms), information on the distribution of drugs, their manufacture recipes and tips on use; – is fraudulent; – and also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or requirements of Russian laws.
4.1.8. Not to use the software and not to carry out actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site and its services or personal pages of Users, not to download, store, publish, distribute and provide access to or otherwise use viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs; not to use without special permission of the Site Owner automated scripts (programs) to collect information on the Site and (or) interact with the Site and its services.
4.1.9. Do not attempt to access the login and password of another User, including, but not limited to, cheating, hacking Profiles of other Users, etc.
4.2. User is prohibited from:
4.2.1. To carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other Users.
4.2.2. To access any services in any way other than through the interface provided by the Site Owner, unless such actions have been expressly authorized by the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Site Owner.
Terms and definitions Site-a set of software and hardware for computers, providing publication for public viewing of information and data, United by a common purpose, by means of technical means used for communication between computers on the Internet. The site in the Agreement means a Site located on the Internet at the address: User – a user of the Internet and, in particular, the Site, having his personal page (profile / account). Federal law (FZ) – Federal law No. 152 FZ of July 27, 2006 "on personal data". Personal data – any information relating directly or indirectly to a particular or identifiable individual (subject of personal data). Operator – a state body, municipal body, legal entity or individual, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purpose of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data. The operator is a limited liability Company "Galeon trade", located at the address: Moscow, ul. Nametkina, 10A, building. 1, room 3 processing of personal data – any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools with personal data, including the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data. Automated processing of personal data – processing of personal data by means of computer technology. Dissemination of personal data – an action aimed at disclosure of personal data to a certain circle of persons by prior consent, in cases provided for by law. Provision of personal data – actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons. Blocking of personal data-temporary termination of processing of personal data (except for cases when processing is necessary to clarify personal data). Destruction of personal data – actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the information system of personal data and/or as a result of which the material carriers of personal data are destroyed. Depersonalization of personal data – actions, as a result of which it becomes impossible without the use of additional information to determine the identity of personal data to a particular subject of personal data. Information system of personal data (ISPD) – a set of personal data contained in databases and providing their processing of information technologies and technical means.
2. General provisions
2.1. The regulation on the procedure for storage and protection of personal data Of users of the Site (hereinafter-the Regulation) is designed to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, containing personal data and identification of Users on the Site.
2.2. The regulation was developed in accordance with the Constitution, the Civil code of the Russian Federation, current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data protection.
2.3. The regulation establishes the procedure for processing personal data of users of the Site: actions to collect, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify (update, change), destroy personal data.
2.4. The regulation establishes mandatory for the Operator's employees involved in the maintenance of the Site, General requirements and rules for working with all types of media containing personal data of users of the Site.
2.5. The Regulation does not address the issues of ensuring the security of personal data referred to in the prescribed manner to information constituting a state secret of the Russian Federation.
2.6. The objectives of the Regulation are: - to ensure the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the processing of personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets; - exclusion of unauthorized actions of the Operator's employees and any third parties to collect, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify (update, change) personal data, other forms of illegal interference in information resources and local computer network of the Operator, ensuring the legal and regulatory regime of confidentiality of undocumented information Of users of the Site; protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to personal secrecy, confidentiality of information constituting personal data, and prevention of possible threats to the security Of users of the Site.
2.7. Principles of personal data processing: - the processing of personal data should be carried out on a legal and fair basis; - the processing of personal data should be limited to the achievement of specific, predetermined and legitimate goals. Processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of personal data collection is not allowed – - consolidation of databases containing personal data which processing is carried out for the purposes incompatible with each other is not allowed; - only personal data which meet the purposes of their processing are subject to processing; - the content and volume of personal data processed must comply with the stated purposes of processing. The processed personal data shall not be excessive in relation to the stated purposes of their processing; - when processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and, where necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of personal data processing shall be ensured; – storage of personal data must be no longer than that required for the purpose of processing of personal data if the retention period of personal data not set by Federal law, the contract a party which the User belongs; – the processed personal data shall be destroyed or depersonalization when the purposes of processing or in case of loss necessary to achieve these purposes, unless otherwise provided by Federal law.
2.8. Terms of personal data processing.
2.8.1. Processing of personal data of Users is done on the basis of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the Constitution, current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data protection.
2.8.2. The processing of personal data on the Site is carried out in compliance with the principles and rules provided for by the Regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation. Processing of personal data is allowed in the following cases – - processing of personal data is necessary for the use of the Site to which the User is a party; - processing of personal data is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the user of the Site, if obtaining consent is impossible; - processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the Operator or third parties or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that this does not violate the rights and freedoms of users of the Site; - the processing of personal data is carried out for statistical or other research purposes, except for the processing of personal data in order to promote goods, works, services on the market through direct contacts with potential consumers through means of communication, as well as for the purpose of political campaigning, subject to mandatory depersonalization of personal data.
2.9. Purposes of personal data processing.
2.9.1. The processing of personal data Of users of the Site is carried out solely for the purpose of providing the User with the opportunity to interact with the Site.
2.9.2. Information constituting personal data on the Site is any information relating to a particular or determined on the basis of such information to an individual (subject of personal data).
2.10. Sources of personal data of Users.
2.10.1. The source of information about all personal data of the User is the User himself.
2.10.2. The source of information about The user's personal data is the information obtained as a result of the Operator granting the User the rights to use the Site.
2.10.3. Personal data of Users are classified as confidential information of limited access.
2.10.4. Confidentiality of personal data is not required in the case of depersonalization, as well as in relation to publicly available personal data.
2.10.5. The operator has no right to collect and process personal data of the User about his race, nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, private life, except as provided by applicable law.
2.10.6. The operator has no right to receive and process personal data of the User about his membership in public associations or his trade Union activity, except for the cases stipulated by the Federal law.
2.11. Methods of processing personal data.
2.11.1. Personal data Of users of the Site are processed exclusively with the use of automation tools.
2.12. Rights of subjects (Users) of personal data.